ESG Story
EnvironmentalPromotion of eco-friendly businesses
We forge a new path by turning
net zero into an opportunity for
sustainable growth.
Now is the time for us to converse with the planet.
SK joins the worldwide movement to attain net zero for
our one and only Earth and for our future. SK will take a step further
into a low-carbon economy based on our new growth strategy
for eco-friendly businesses and net zero attainment.
ESG Story
SocialThe happiness of stakeholders
Striving toward happy participation,
happy coexistence, and
a happy transformation for all.
SK has grown with the love and support of numerous stakeholders. Beyond
the commitment and efforts shown by SK employees, it is thanks to the
opportunities provided by customers, business partners, and local
communities that SK has been able to achieve its successes, both small and
large. Now, SK will return the favor by delivering happiness.
ESG Story
GovernanceTransparent governance
Setting new standards
beyond global standards
The Board of Directors is at the very core of SK governance.
Since responsible management is achievable only when the Board of Directors functions
properly and fulfills its intended roles, SK implements business
management that exceeds global standards and is driven by the Board of
Directors, thus building long-term trust relations with stakeholders.
26, Jong-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul, 03188, Republic of KoreaCOPYRIGHT ⓒ BY SK Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED family site