As an investment company that pursues sustainable values,
we will create a sustainable future based on ESG.
SK Inc. strives to enhance stakeholders’ happiness and reinforces corporate values by innovating its business portfolio and
expanding ESG values. SK Inc. is on the way to become a trusted and recognized company by the market and society based on our
Financial Story, which manifests the unique Deep Change methodology of SK.
SK Inc. is directing its changes, as a company specialized in investments, based on primary growth areas like advanced materials,
green, bio, and digital. In the advanced materials area, we focus on securing a high-growth portfolio and producing outcomes in the
semiconductor and battery industries. In the green area, we invest in promising decarbonization assets to conduct businesses from
the perspective of climate change response. In the bio area, we contribute to enhancing the health of humankind by expanding
pharmaceutical manufacturing businesses globally. In the digital area, we invest in new technologies that drive the digital innovation
of our society. Based on such investments, portfolio management, and global cooperation, we will strive to ensure that ESG values
are properly evaluated in the market and can have a greater impact on society.
Moreover, we will ensure the transparency and fairness of our business management by disclosing the evaluation results of the
Board of Directors’ activities through the declaration of our Governance Story and creating an investment decision-making process
that reflects ESG matters.
By achieving outcomes based on ESG management, SK Inc. will grow into an investment specialist that creates a sustainable future.
In this process, SK Inc. will deliver greater happiness to stakeholders by actively communicating with its shareholders, customers,
and society. Please share your encouragement and support for our efforts to maintain the empathy and trust of society.
Thank you.
SK Inc. Vice Chairman & CEO Jang, Dong Hyun
ESG commitment
We will open up the path to sustainable growth by innovating the
industry with digital technologies and internalizing ESG management.
SK Inc. established its growth vision as a “Total Digital Transformation Partner” leading the digital innovation of customers and society, and by
specifying its strategies and goals through the Financial Story.
Although the past two years have been challenging due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have produced meaningful results whilst practicing our
new vision by expanding digital business models and finding ESG solutions.
In terms of ESG solutions, the scope of our business is expanding from environmental, health, safety, and medical services to services that
can promote a foundation for ESG in the market, such as carbon credit and trading platforms and ESG diagnosis and management
Further, amid the global energy crisis, SK Inc. tries to attain net zero by increasing the efficiency of power usage and using renewable energy
in our data centers. SK Inc. also promotes activities for local communities, such as supporting the employment of socially-neglected groups,
through IT education and providing IT infrastructures to small businesses.
For the happiness of employees, SK Inc. is diversifying methods for the mental and physical care of employees at sites, beyond providing fair
performance-based rewards. We will continue strengthening our delicate and effective WLB programs, starting with the in-house mental
counseling and occupational illness prevention solutions launched this year. Such efforts can continue under the belief that companies
survive and grow by gaining the trust of stakeholders.
While constantly listening to the voices of our stakeholders, SK Inc. will create a virtuous structure that enhances corporate values by
pursuing business innovation that facilitates coexistence and happiness for all members of society.
Thank you.
SK Inc. President and CEO Park, Sung Ha
26, Jong-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul, 03188, Republic of KoreaCOPYRIGHT ⓒ BY SK Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED family site