Stakeholder Engagement

We identify key stakeholders and reflect their needs as they relate to our business in our management activities.

Key Stakeholder Communication

  • SK Inc. aims to understand and address stakeholders' awareness and interest in ESG issues and reflect these in its management activities. SK Inc. recognizes employees, shareholders and investors, suppliers, customers, and the community as its five key stakeholder groups and considers their concerns regarding SK Inc.'s ESG management. We regularly identify the needs of key stakeholders, develop response strategies, and report related information to the executive management and the Board of Directors. Feedback from executive management and the board is integrated into management activities, ensuring continuous communication with stakeholders.

  • Key Stakeholder
    Communication Channels
    Stakeholder Communication Channels SK Inc. Response Strategy
    Employees Evaluation/Coaching Programs

    Specific and diversified topics and methods

    Expand data-based feedback and input from employees

    Communication with Management

    Collect and discuss employee happiness feedback

    Establishment of an integrated online/offline platform

    Employee Participation/Networking

    Conduct self-design sessions

    Resume offline programs

    Facilitate internal communication within teams

    Promote employee-led activities

    Happiness Programs

    Diagnose activities

    Provide individual happiness assessments/solutions

    Build happiness data and references

    Conduct organizational happiness workshops


    Secure ESG/stakeholder account content

    Improve and enhance bulletin board functions

    Host regular events


    Strengthen communication channels

    Build a bidirectional communication environment

    Continuously improve employee-led initiatives

    Shareholders and Investors Analyst/Investor Meetings

    Supporting the publication of business reports

    Conduct site visits and IR events for key businesses

    Shareholder Meetings

    Diversify communication channels

    Develop events that meet shareholder expectations

    Disclosure/Performance Announcements

    Conduct in accordance with regulatory guidelines

    Expand sharing of detailed performance information

    Suppliers Mutual growth Day
    Biz. Partner CEO Seminars

    Provide ESG risk management and support programs for suppliers

    Expand mutual growth programs for suppliers

    Create substantial joint performance and strengthen competitiveness

    Customers Listening to VOC and Follow-up

    Regularize surveys/interviews

    Present discussion points

    Team Leader Consultative Body

    Hold regular meetings

    Provide regular insight reports

    Facilitate networking activities

    Customer Satisfaction Surveys

    Conduct regularly

    Expand target companies/scope of surveys

    Local Communities Local Public-Private Consultative Bodies

    Develop strategic CSR-linked programs based on community issues

    Local Governments/ Schools/Institutions

    Continuously develop and operate environmental education programs linked to vulnerable groups